Hire Me!
I am available for consulting gigs, if your company is new to using Rust, or interested in introducing Rust is into your tech stack, I can train your team on Rust, provide code review, and help with introducing Rust to your existing code base.
I am also currently looking for a full time role. Professionally, I am most comfortable working in Rust in backend or systems programming roles, I have historically specialized in tooling and consensus protocols, but also have experience working in embedded and with ETL pipelines. I'm also comfortable working with Go, C#, and most functional programming languages like F# or Haskell.
A PDF copy of my CV can be found here, more information about me can be found on my About page.
If you are interested in hiring me for a full time position, or retaining me for a consulting role, please reach out to me at [email protected]. My consulting rate varies depending on the scope of the work and the nature of your company, if you are worried about affordability, please do still reach out to me, I'm sure we can work something out.